Looking to become porn free and get back on track with God? The word of God reigns supreme speaking to a soul tarnished with sin and plant seeds righteousness, freedom and forgiveness. Each devotional has scripture, video and text so you have an option to watch or read. It will take 5 mins a day. After that we won’t bother you with emails. Sign up now and you won’t regret it.
Anonymous RESOURCES to become porn free.
Tired of the same cycle of porn use and not finding breakthrough? Guild, shame, isolation, are not your best life. You are a conquer and Blameless Ministries is here to help you defeat porn addiction! Don’t leave this page without signing up for one of the resources. You won’t regret it. See the 4 opportunities below.
1. 21-DAY Devotional
2. 7-Day Devotional
Our seven day devotional is an opportunity to receive the life transformation that is found in scripture in short devotional format. 7 Days only, which will give you an idea if you want to continue to the 21 day devotional. One email per day for 7 days.
3. Covenant Eyes. #1 App for Quitting Porn
9 Common Reasons for seeking help with porn:
- Porn Makes me feel far from God
- My Spouse Caught me looking at porn
- I’ve tried quitting on my own for a long time
- I sometimes look at porn. Is that a problem?
- I am depressed and anxious because of porn
- I am single and porn is my sexual outlet.
- Porn is affecting my Sex life
- I think about porn all the time. It consumes me.
- I am scared about porn affecting my Job or ministry.
- These reasons are directly from Covenanteyes.com.
Get 30-Days Free with promo code BLAMELESS (web-based signups only)
SIGN UP NOW! Click Image below or use Code BLAMELESS when signing up on covenanteyes.com
Transformation happens as a result of 3 things. The word of God and the Spirit of God. Christian community plays a vital role in overcoming porn addiction. You can go through it on your own but we suggest at least one other person to do this bible study with. Put together a mens or women’s group from your church and dive in. Get ready for a major uplift!