Porn is having drastic effects on human sexuality in Japan. It is widespread and keeping people form real intimacy. Among a declining population porn use decreases real relationships and thus marriage, a healthy family structure, and contributing to Japanese society buy having children. Porn is changing the future of Japan. ... read more →
No secret in the Christian, walk porn use brings shame. Shame that can feel like a ball and chain. Do you want to see clearly?Porn clouds your vision and desire for God like a think fog. In this blog we will unpack the same cycle, how it works and... read more →
How porn destroys relationships- In todays world porn is so commonplace and acceptable we don’t take time to look at the consequences in relationships and sexuality. Women treated with aggression, women with short careers in porn suffering deep trauma after being a porn actress, strain on heterosexual relationships to the... read more →
How to pray for your teenagers sexual purity: Today more than ever our teens need protection from sexual temptation. This blog provides an amazing outline and a 7 tier plan for prayer for your teenager. Implement this into your prayer life as a defense against the pervasiveness of sex in... read more →
Did you know that Porn actually affects your brain chemistry? After years of viewing porn, a superhighway of neurotransmitters that is associates pleasure with porn forms at the cellular level. The more you view it the more engraved this channel becomes in your Brian. Good news it is reversalable. Years... read more →
The following stats were adopted from an anonymous instagram video. The compelling, and shocking truth begs the question of where is the world going with porn? A darker and darker road of exploitation, bent on profits at the cost of its victims. As you will read the victims aren’t just... read more →
Now is the time to get serious about accountability, because hidden sin is like a leaven or a cancer to our spiritual life. God is faithful to forgive us when we confess, but we don't want to continually turn back to sin time and time again. A solid accountability partner... read more →
Spend time in the Word of God daily. The scriptures make you wise and prepare you to live a Godly life. Do you want to live a life full of wisdom and daily insight? The bible is like an ocean of wisdom and knowledge for your benefit, one life giving... read more →
This devotional is for single young adults, particularly in their twenties and thirties and call to remain faithful to God. Could even be teenagers who are contemplating the purpose of their lives and living holy in a midst of a culture that encourages promiscuity. In the Parable of the wedding... read more →
Your desire and drive to look at porn is not going to go away by getting married and if you don’t there will be many negative repercussions on your marriage immediately. You may think, now that I can be intimate with my wife porn will no longer be an issue. ... read more →