- Spend time in the Word of God daily. The scriptures make you wise and prepare you to live a Godly life. Do you want to live a life full of wisdom and daily insight? The bible is like an ocean of wisdom and knowledge for your benefit, one life giving verse at a time. The Bible teaches you that you’ll live forever. How you live on earth impacts your eternity. As you read you discover a way that offers guidance, direction and hope. “ Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, and practice it to be holy”. In it you’ll find the joy, peace and forgiveness of God”. – Gideons International
- Spend time around people who have a godly influence on you. Don’t be deceived, bad company corrupts good character – 1 Corinthians 5:33 People you admire are the ones you want to be around. Find a mentor, a prayer partner, and christian peers. Don’t forget that you are made for connection, to know and be known. You can gain so much from good friendship. “A man by himself, is no man, he is dull, he is very blunt; but if his fellow come and quicken him by his presence, speech, and example, he is so whetted on by this means that he is much more comfortable, skillful, and better than he was when he was alone.” (see footnote) Don’t be a lone ranger.
- The excellent spiritual discipline of fasting should make regular practice for a believer. Do it because we are commanded to. It also breaks evil bondages. Do you want to be renewed and filled with The Spirit again? More people now are following the intermittent fasting for its health benefits, but fasting also has spiritual benefits. Fasting can bring restoration and a free flowing relationship with God. You’re starving yourself physically, you become more reliant on God. You realize you’re more durable and that there are ever fresh resources available. When you’re weak you are strong. Use the time to develop your prayer life and closeness with God. What seams like deprivation is actually enrichment. Fasting breaks strong bondages by starving the flesh. Make sure to draw near to God, REPENT OF LUST AND PORN, and invite The Spirit into your life. If you feel you can’t give up porn, fast and watch reality change.
- Another practice that moves the focus off yourself and on to GOD is worship. As a former porn user you must break with narcissistic practices. “Living in the worship and awe of God will bring many years of contented living” – Proverbs 10:27 You will spend eternity with God, and worship will be at the center of our heavenly existence, and it should also be on earth. Here I am talking about worshiping God through song, but also realizing facts, like your body being a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6), and to be a living sacrifice. (Romans 12) We throw these words around, but living sacrifice means, means to be pure yet free from the moral downslide of the world around us.
- The battle against porn cannot be won without prayer. An essential weapon is formed against temptation and lust on your knees. In dependance, sometimes desperation cry out to God for victory. Prayer the porn addict: “Lord break my propensity to lust and gratify the desires of the flesh. Break my pattern of selfishness and make room for Your word, Your promises, and Your Holy Spirit. I give you permission to form fresh and pleasing thoughts and desires in my mind and heart. Help me live a new life free from lust and porn empowered by heavens resources”. – In Jesus name Amen.
1 John Peter Lange et al., A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Proverbs (Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2008), 230–231.
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