The following stats were adopted from an anonymous instagram video. The compelling, and shocking truth begs the question of where is the world going with porn? A darker and darker road of exploitation, bent on profits at the cost of its victims. As you will read the victims aren’t just the abused but the users or porn who report a decline in healthy relationships and healthy living.
Porn Hub has 42 Billion visits per year, 115 million per day. User generated content – 6 million new videos per year, witch would take 169 years to watch. IT’s the global epicenter for porn and makes 100s of millions of dollars through, add revenue, data collection and premium subscriptions.
Over 40 million Americans are regular visitors to porn sites. The average visit lasts 6 minutes and 29 seconds
47% of families in the United States reported that pornography is a problem in their home.
Eleven is the average age that a child is first exposed to porn, and 94% of children will see porn by the age of 14.
55% of married men and 25% of married women say they watch porn at least once a month.
More than four in 10 Americans (43%) now say pornography is morally acceptable, a seven-percentage-point increase from last year. (Gallup, June 2018)
Those who frequently consume Internet pornography are less likely to marry because they see pornography as a marital sexual gratification substitute. Malcolm, M. & Naufal, G. (2014) “Are Pornography and Marriage Substitutes for Young Men?” Institute for the Study of Labor.
Individuals who never view sexually explicit material report higher relationship quality and lower rates of infidelity than those who do.
There is a positive correlation between hours of pornography consumed and higher narcissism levels. Additionally, those who have ever used pornography had higher levels of all three measures of narcissism than those who have never viewed Internet pornography. Kaspera, T., Shorta, M. & Milam, A. (2014) “Narcissism and Internet Pornography Use.” Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy. Vol. 41 (5)
Overall, 41% of all children who were aware of pornography agreed that “watching porn makes people less respectful of the opposite sex”*
The average worldwide Pornhub user now being aged 35.5 years old. Together, millennials aged 18 to 34 remained as 61% of Pornhub’s traffic.
12 new videos and 2 hours of content are uploaded to Pornhub every minute
20 percent of mobile-device searches are for porn.
Porn sites attract more visitors each month than Amazon, Netflix, and Twitter combined.Enabling and profiting from Rape Sexual abuse and Child sex trafficking
Examples of abuse
15 year old girl was found after 58 of her rapes were posted on porn hub. 14 year old Rose – BBC said was kidnaped at gunpoint and raped and assaulted on camera for 12 hours. She had to beg porn hub for months before they removed the videos of her rape and torture. Images of a toddler being sexual abused, found through an investigation of the Sunday times in the UK.
22 Girls who were deceived and coerced by the producers of Girls who run a popular porn hub partner Chanel. Now this company faced federal indictment for child pornography, trafficking and sexual abuse
These examples only begin to scratch the surface of the sexual crimes found on porn hub.
According to the internet watch foundation, in only two years the processed and confirmed 118 cases of child rape and trafficking on porn hub.
These are not models or actresses playing a role in a move. These are videos of women and children being sexually abused violated and traumatized. Porn hub is deeply complicit. They have no system to reliably verify the age or consent of anyone featured in their videos it profits from. The worlds largest porn site makes it easy for users to upload videos of real sexual violence. They forever memorialize the trauma of their victims. All for the profit and pleasure of porn hub and its users.
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